Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Erroneous Garment

There are many crooked preachers, etc. (like misleading politicians), who like to engage in phony talk. They choose to wear suits and ties and garb that is diverting, but they disrespect work clothes.   #NoMoreDishonestWeakLeaders

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Impediment to Others

There are numerous pastors and preachers who like the limelight more than they like the truth. Their families - and children, are more or less just for show. They like to "talk" a "talk," but they do not walk the walk. They continue to engage in gum-flapping (in others words: phony talk), when in reality they shouldn't be "preaching" at all, because of their dishonesty. Not only is their dishonestly an impediment to others, but seriously also, even more so, to their own families.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Faith Without Works

Rather than flapping your gums, you should really " me..." instead, because faith without works is dead (James 2:17-18). #nopreachingneeded