Sunday, August 12, 2018

Manipulative 'Ministry'

You realize in time - and with maturity, that 'ministry' (as they call it) is not about helping people, it's about manipulating and controlling them, and even taking money from them in God's name... and in many cases exploiting those who are most vulnerable. This is the normalized, inconsiderate, way of pig-power. So in the end, you realize the pushy tendencies of false leaders. 


1. The command to BE STRONG (Joshua 1:9) is maybe the most unnoticed and unheeded command in the Bible! Why do teachers, ministers, politicians, pastors and preachers mislead? Because they themselves are weak. Expose their weakness and lies.

2. “Ministry” is the word used by both church and government.

3. Realize the pushy tendencies of erroneous leaders, their dishonesty and wrong assumptions.